2004 Galleries


"In order to simultaneously celebrate and defy her 40th birthday, Lilith recently called and asked us if we would be interested in scheduling an honorary birthday shoot. Naturally, we were thrilled to accept. And although we are not at liberty to post the pictures she took in her "Birthday Suit," we're quite pleased with the shots below... Here's proof that some women, like fine wine, only improve with age!"

Just a quick note: even though we're not showing Lilith's pictures in her "Birthday Suit", we are showing a bit more skin than we usually do. If you think this will offend you, just remember that this site is about Fantasy Art, Beautiful Ladies and Shiny Weapons. So please, go somewhere else to be offended, the rest of us will just enjoy these fantastic pictures of the Lovely Lilith... AND her cute friend Sabastienne!"In order to simultaneously celebrate and defy her 40th birthday, Lilith recently called and asked us if we would be interested in scheduling an honorary birthday shoot. Naturally, we were thrilled to accept. And although we are not at liberty to post the pictures she took in her "Birthday Suit," we're quite pleased with the shots below... Here's proof that some women, like fine wine, only improve with age!"